Friday, December 4, 2009

Altered photo [gone to the cats]

For this assignment we were to create an altered photo shop photograph. I had plenty of fun running through the programs' different textiles and layers and many unique colors. For this picture I used a cartooning filter and then proceeded to play with the different highlights and the darkened tones of the photo. I really loved how this particular filter made the small kitten stand out against all of the horse tack. I tried to maintain a sense of depth as well as colors that complimented the picture.
When taking this photo, this particular kitty (whom had been preening himself and destroying my leather saddle) perked up as soon as i brought the camera out. I swear I could almost hear the puring.


  1. This is an amazing photo. I love how you were able to take this image and photoshop it with all those filters. There is a great sense of color in this image.

  2. I really like how this picture really looks like a cartoon.I like how the sides of the picture are dark and there is like a spotlight on the cat and the saddles.
